
Q2-Q3 2024

  • Smart contract deployment & audit

  • Gameplay backend environment launch

  • In-depth game mechanics reveal

  • Character & equipment NFT reveal

  • Full lore reveal

  • IDO

  • Release of Alpha Stage I

Q4 2024

  • Release of Alpha Stage II

  • Wilderness NFT sale

  • Wilderness rewards for NFT holders

  • Wilderness mechanics launch

  • Loot system launch

  • Equipment mechanics launch

  • Item stash mechanics launch

  • Daily/Weekly/Monthly missions

Q1 2025

  • Release of Alpha Stage III

  • Character progression

  • Scavengerโ€™s Hut NFT sale

  • In-game marketplace launch

  • Player achievements

  • Ownership NFT sharding

Q2 2025

  • Release of Beta

  • Free-to-play mode

  • Off-chain in-game currency introduction

  • Free-to-earn items introduction

  • Duel arenas and leaderboards

  • Character challenging

Q3 2025

  • Full game release

  • Opening new realm to explore

  • New property and wilderness NFT sales

  • New wilderness types

  • New property types

  • Mac OS/Windows release

Q4 2025

  • iOS/Android mobile application

  • Group mode

  • Revenue and utility expansion for NFT property owners


  • AI-enhanced map creation

  • Machine-learning-based NPC actions

  • AI-powered training models for champion improvement

Last updated